LAREDO Actor Info
NEVILLE BRAND as Reese Bennett
REESE BENNETT was the oldest of the Laredo Rangers.  He joined up to get immunity from a prior life of crime in other states.  An old cohort described him as “Tough, plenty tough, maybe not too smart, but tough.”  and  “When I knew him, he could swipe an egg out from under a chicken without making it cackle.”  [Ep. 8 “The Golden Trail”]   In describing his family life, Reese said, “My mother took in washing, my father took the money.”  [Ep. 47 “The Short, Happy Fatherhood of Reese Bennett”.]  Reese was constantly being duped into the schemes of the others, especially Chad who always had a plan to avoid work, strike it rich or make time with a lady.  Reese was constantly reminding the others how proud they should be to be Rangers.  No matter how tough things got, Reese felt the $40 a month and the prestige he got as a Ranger made life worthwhile and made up for all of life's other disappointments.  Studio portrait of Neville Brand in Laredo
NEVILLE BRAND came to acting as a war hero.  He enlisted at 16 and emerged the 4th most decorated GI in WWII.  He acted  in training films in the Army & used the GI Bill to study drama.  With his gravelly voice and coarse facial features, he was a natural heavy, playing Al Capone in two movies and the series “The Untouchables”.  He won top reviews for “Riot in Cell Block 11” [1954] (nominated for a British Academy Award) and “Birdman of Alcatraz”.  What he didn’t have was the discipline for a costarring role in a weekly series, something he admitted in a 1966 T.V. Guide interview.  His drinking, a result of the horrors of war, made him hard to deal with although he was reportedly likeable, if crude, when sober.  He was not the favorite of the directors nor with the other actors, all of whom were consummate professionals.  Carey & Smith always knew their parts; Brown frequently memorized the whole script & could irritate Brand by feeding him his oft-missed lines.   There was some talk of replacing him on Laredo with Claude Akins who had a recurring role as Ranger Cotton Buckmeister in five episodes, but Brand’s character was very popular, especially with the oldest and youngest viewers.  Peter Brown, who because of his own perfectionism  would be expected to have been the most irritated when Brand held up shooting and required endless retakes, said that when Brand was sober, doing a scene with him was as natural as having a conversation because Brand was so good. 

Brand died in 1991 in Sacramento of emphysema.

Neville Brand as Reese Bennett in Laredo
Neville Brand
LAREDO's Reese  Bennett

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